Quality Craftsmanship, Proudly Made in the USA

iso logoFive Star’s commitment to quality is a never-ending pursuit to find new and better ways to exceed customer expectations. For our customers, high quality means repeatable fit, flawless finishes, failure-free assembly, and no product recalls — thus resulting in a satisfied end user.

At Five Star, quality management is fully integrated into business processes across the company. A number of our employees are certified in PPAP, PFMEA, and Lean Six Sigma quality management programs. Our highly trained workforce, coupled with our ISO 9001:2015 certification and quality assurance laboratory allow us to deliver shorter development cycles and the highest quality parts to our customers.

What Is ISO?

In order for company to obtain ISO registration, it must put a system in place across the entire organization that implements and constantly conforms to principles that are required by the ISO 9001 standard, such as:

  • Continually strive to improve the company
  • Monitor the performance of vendors
  • Monitor customer perception and have a method for dealing with customer complaints
  • Audit processes regularly and submit to periodic outside audits
  • Incorporate a corrective & preventative action system
  • Analyze data
  • And much, much more

On-site Testing Laboratory

The research and development laboratory at Five Star Fabricating demonstrates our dedication to improving quality, and creates an environment for our engineering teams to seek new discoveries and accelerate product innovation for our customers. As an American-made manufacturing leader, Five Star utilizes an extensive array of tools and equipment to support its engineering, testing, and quality control processes. We employ various testing measures in accordance with ASTM International standards to test the following:

  • Compression, tensile, and shear strength
  • Flex & load/deflection behavior
  • Cosmetic purity
  • UV degradation
  • Impact resistance
  • Chemical resistance
  • Heat resistance
  • Ink and paint adhesion
  • Optical clarity
  • Light transmission
  • Flex & load/deflection behavior

These testing measures are helpful in guiding our customers to the proper materials and processes to achieve the highest quality composite, polycarbonate, or thermoformed plastic part.